Domain Name Registration Policy
The domain name is registered to "District 33 AA" with a domain name of district33aa.org. |
The domain is registered with a proxy thus maintaining anonymity of the registering members at the public level. |
The Webservant of District 33 is both the Administrative Contact and the Registrant for the website�s domain name. |
The Webservant of District 33 is the Billing Contact for the website�s domain name. |
The Webservant of District 33 is the Technical Contact for the website�s domain name. |
To ensure continued access to the website, the password, login, and billing information will be held at all times by the Webservant, DCM and PI Chairperson. |
Website Host Registration Policy
The website is registered to "District 33 AA" with a domain name of district33aa.org. |
The website and all its contents are owned by District 33. |
The Webservant of District 33 is the one person named in the website host registration. This is not public information. |
When signing an agreement with an internet web hosting service, care will be taken against inadvertent association and promotion. The internet web hosting service will be required to neither publicize nor promote its relationship with District 33 or Alcoholics Anonymous. |
Free web hosting sites are available, but they require mandatory advertising space or direct links to commercial sites as consideration for their use. All web hosting services used by District 33 will be paid for without any advertising or direct links to commercial sites. |
To ensure continued access to the website, the password, login, and billing information will be held at all times by the Web Servant, DCM, and PI Chairperson |
Contents and Services Policy
The spirit of A.A. principles and traditions will be followed at all times. This means, among other things:
Anonymity will be preserved and protected. The names of individuals and individual phone numbers, postal and email addresses will not be displayed on the website (Traditions 11 & 12). |
There will be no endorsement or affiliation with non-A.A. entities (Tradition 6).
The A.A. Preamble will be prominently shown on the home page of the website. |
The website will provide links to the Alcoholics Anonymous World Services (A.A.W.S.) website (www.aa.org), Seattle Intergroup (www.seattleaa.org), and the AA Grapevine (www.aagrapevine.org). |
Autonomy will be respected. Home groups, Intergroup, and central offices will decide for themselves what information they do and do not want given on the website, as well as the extent of their participation in the area website (Tradition 4). |
The home page will identify the website's focus on A.A. within District 33, making it clear there is no attempt to speak for A.A. as a whole. A link to the A.A.W.S. website (www.aa.org) will be provided to access general information about A.A. |
Copyrights shall be respected. Registered trademarks, when used, should be acknowledged as such. |
Anonymous email addresses will be available for District trusted servants, District Chairs and Home group GSRs.
Email addresses will use the District's domain name to maintain anonymity. |
All replies to visitors� email will be made using anonymous email addresses. |
The following types of information are also approved for display on the website:
Addresses and telephone numbers for districts, intergroup, and central offices. |
Event information for District 33 business events, Western Washington Area 72 business events: area quarterlies, pre-conferences, pre-assemblies, and assemblies. Also, GSO-related events will be listed. |
Event information for Western Washington Area 72 standing committees: quarterlies, workshops, events, and related district service functions. |
District social events, picnics, gratitude dinners, retreats, golf tournaments will be listed. |
The following types of information are NOT approved for display on the website:
No personal addresses |
No personal telephone numbers, |
This site is not endorsed by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. It is provided in an effort to reach out to the alcoholic who still suffers. Alcoholics Anonymous�, A.A.� and The Big Book� are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services,